Thursday, July 1, 2010

More Evidence of Forced-Air Disrupting Protective Laminar Flow

Here is more clear evidence from the Northumbria orthopedic team, of forced-air warming units disrupting protective laminar flow ventilation. As you can see in the video, the addition of normal operating room factors like operating lights, and even an anesthetist, can increase the negative impact of forced-air blowers on proper laminar flow.

This evidence begs the question: should normal operating room procedures be held captive by the fickle whims of the waste heat air currents from forced-air warming units? Now there is an alternative. Free your operating room, replace the forced-air warming units: with non-disruptive, air-free conductive fabric warming.

The Northumbria orthopedic team has set up their own blog to show their findings. With patient safety in mind, they have compiled excellent research and the visual evidence is stunning. To access their blog, click on the following link:

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